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Business Succession Planning Opportunities During Today’s Unprecedented Times
Due Diligence and Protective Measures Often Overlooked by Business Owners
Pre-Sale Income Tax Planning Opportunities for Sellers
Sales to Third Parties During COVID-19 Pandemic
Historic Opportunities for High Net Worth Families to Transfer Business and Real Estate Interests
1 Participatory MCLE Credits
Steve Stafford
Stephen A. Stafford, J.D., LL.M. is a partner with Brown & Streza, LLP in Orange County. Brown & Streza provides integrated business, estate and tax planning for business owners and high-net-worth families. Steve received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Berkeley. He received his Juris Doctor from the University of San Francisco School of Law, and his Masters of Law in Taxation (LL.M.) from Chapman University School of Law. In his practice, Steve advises privately held businesses, entrepreneurs, and real estate investors throughout the state of California across all phases of a business, from formation to exit. As general counsel to privately held companies, he provides tax planning, risk management, corporate governance and compliance, contract review and preparation, mergers and acquisitions, and business succession planning services. Steve’s succession planning experience ranges from Buy-Sell Agreements, pre-sale restructuring of companies, intra-family buyouts, transferring the business and real estate interests of high net worth families to irrevocable trusts, to structuring succession plans for lawyers and accountants.
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