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Rental restrictions. New Civ. Code 4741 prohibits enforcement, or adoption of rule or CC&R provision which restricts rental to less than 25 percent of the units. Further, some prohibitions on short-term rentals may also be ineffective. We will discuss the statute and highlight some unanswered questions raised by the new law.
ADU/JADU. New law severely limits the right of associations (and municipalities) to block construction of “accessory dwelling units” and “junior accessory dwelling units.” The presentation will highlight the definitions in question, and how this prohibition affects restrictions on rentals. Elections issues. Recent legislation relating to director candidate qualifications, access to ballots and election record retention will be discussed. Architecture Review:
The role of CC&Rs, Bylaws & Architectural Guidelines
The process
Civil Code Section 4765
Tips to increase the likelihood of approval
Noise Issues:
The role of CC&Rs, Bylaws & Architectural Guidelines
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