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Third Party Discovery: Procedural and Ethical Considerations
Judge Segal, former chief magistrate judge of the central district of California, will answer questions from moderator and audience regarding third party discovery. In particular, the discussion will focus on “custody, possession or control” and when documents are in the legal control of a party or in the custody of a third party; what type of relationship is necessary to show “legal control”; what a third party must do to object to discovery; what a party must do if he or she wants to object to third party discovery; and what are the court’s concerns when third party discovery is at issue. Judge Segal will also discuss enforcement of third-party discovery.
1 Participatory MCLE Credits
Hon. Suzanne Horenstein Segal
Suzanne H. Segal joined Signature Resolution in 2020, after 18 years as a Magistrate Judge with the Central District of California and 4 years as the Chief Magistrate Judge. While at the District Court, Judge Segal handled hundreds of mediations. She also presided over substantive motions and trials with the consent of the parties and resolved discovery disputes. She now serves as an Mediator, Special Master and also serves as an Arbitrator through Signature Resolution and the AAA. For longer bio, see
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