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In public contracting, public entities must comply with bidding requirements in awarding contracts. Failure to strictly comply with requirements, including criteria stated in the bid solicitation, may allow a bidder that is not selected for contract award to “protest.” A successful protest may result in the protesting party obtaining the contract itself or may cause the public entity to reject all bids and rebid, often after the bidders’ prices are disclosed.
Being aware of potential grounds of protest, including those grounds most likely to be successful, can help contractors and their counsel to address the issues before bidding, and protect an intended award of a lucrative contract. When bidders are not initially selected, knowing which grounds of protest are more likely to be successful is critical in advising clients whether to challenge an award.
Knowing is half the battle. Join us to learn what to watch out for in public contracting, and how to take best advantage when the opposing bidder and their counsel missed a critical bidding step.
1 Participatory MCLE Credits
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