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Work and Weed: What Lawyers Need to Know about Cannabis in the Workplace
This webinar will explore three primary topics: (1) current laws regulating marijuana, including what exactly California legalized, the current state of federal law and enforcement, (2) the use of medical marijuana and cannabis products by employees in California and in other states and best practices for workplace policies, and (3) employment issues that arise in the cannabis industry. Included in this discussion will be a brief discussion of the Federal legalization of hemp and the impact that has had on the workplace.
1.25 Participatory MCLE Credits
Esra Hudson
Esra Hudson is a partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP and the leader of Manatt’s employment and labor practice. Esra focuses her practice on all aspects of employment law and related litigation. She represents companies in state and federal courts, defending claims of discrimination, harassment, whistleblowing, wrongful discharge and related tort claims, breach of contract, trade secrets, unfair competition, and all other employment-related matters.
In addition to her litigation practice, Esra is a trusted advisor to her clients on a variety of employment, personnel management and operational issues.
She provides services for companies in a diverse group of industries, including entertainment, financial services, healthcare, transportation, insurance, manufacturing, the service industry and nonprofits.
Danielle Lucido
Danielle Lucido is the Chief Counsel at the Engineers and Scientists of CA, Local 20, IFPTE, AFL-CIO & CLC. She represents the union in labor arbitrations, trains and advises members and union staff on employee leave law, reasonable accommodation law, workers compensation, and Cal-OSHA. She also assists members in UI hearings and retaliation cases before the DLSE and advises staff and officers regarding contract negotiations, contract language and contract ratification. In addition to her work directly for the Union, since 2015, she has been a Contributing Chapter Editor for The Developing LaborLaw and also a frequent speaker on marijuana and the workplace.
Jonathan Judge, Esq.
Jonathan Judge is a partner at Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo where he advises employers in various labor and employment law matters, including drug testing, mass layoffs (WARN), disparate impact analysis, immigration compliance, trade secrets, privacy, technology in the workplace, piece rate compensation, municipal and state sick leave, local, state and federal minimum wage law, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Mr. Judge is also a contributing editor to The Developing Labor Law (Hardin & Higgins, Sixth Ed. 2012) and oversees AALRR’s employment law blog and the Private Labor and Employment Practice Group’s Client Alerts.
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