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Please join us on Thursday, May 21 for a one-hour webinar on Price Gouging During COVID-19. In response to the ongoing pandemic, federal, state and local government enforcers, as well as private litigants, have been actively pursuing alleged price gougers. Our panel will discuss California and federal price gouging statutes, recent enforcement and litigation developments, key concerns for manufacturers, distributors and retailers in this area, and the economic issues at play in price gouging disputes.
The panel will feature:
Ann O’Brien, Partner, BakerHostetler;
Nicklas Akers, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Consumer Law Section, Office of the California Attorney General;
Thomas A. Papageorge, Special Prosecutor, Economic Crimes Division, San Diego District Attorney’s Office; and
Mary Beth Savio, Vice President, Charles River Associates.
Moderated by Lee Brand, Counsel, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP.
1.25 Participatory MCLE Credits
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