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Caveat Emptor? “Caveat Broker” Is More Like It: A Historical Overview of Statuary and Common Law Seller and Broker Disclosure Requirements in California Residential Real Estate Transactions
(Self Study Articles) Intellectual Property in the Real Estate Industry
(Self Study Articles) A Lawyer is a Lawyer is a Lawyer
(Self Study Articles) Can I Drive Home After Happy Hour? Have Booze and Cannabis Changed Things?
(Self Study Articles) Is the Popularity of Short-Term Rentals Sustainable, or Will Regulations Weaken Their Current Stronghold?
(Self Study Articles) A Trial Lawyer’s Guide To Rule 3.3
(Self Study Articles) Ethics of Social Media for Lawyers: Where Stunting for the Gram Meets Losing Your Bar Card
(Self Study Articles) The New 2020 Landlord-Tenant and Statewide Residential Rent Control and Eviction Laws
(Self Study Articles) Ethical Attorney Advertising: Rules for Third-Party Websites
(Self Study Articles) “Black Lives Matter” Murals: Intellectual Property Vs. Real Property Rights
(Self Study Articles) Owning and Occupying Commercial Office Buildings Amidst a Shifting Pandemic Landscape: A Framework to Understand and Mitigate Premises Liability for Owners and Occupiers
(Self Study Articles) The Housing Accountability Act: Recent Improvements and Success
(Self Study Articles) Who Pays for Clearing Bogus Mechanics' Liens
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