Statutes and Street Art: Where Copyright Protection for Murals and Street Art Meet the Architectural Works Copyright Protection Act (AWCPA)
Music Modernization Act: Roundtable Panel Held at the GRAMMY Museum - Records, Labels, and A&R in the Streaming Age: Copyrights, Distribution, Licensing, and the Law under the Music Modernization Act
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
Stairway to a Heavenly Decision: How Led Zeppelin Won in the Ninth Circuit and May Have Fixed Music Copyright Law
Practice Competently: Regaining Focus and Avoiding Lawyer Burnout
Understanding the Music Modernization Act: From New Licensing Rules to CLASSICS Act Protections
2018 IP Institute: Owning Innovation: Between Code and Contract
Best Practices for Non-Disclosure Agreements: Are You Using Them Correctly?
10 Ethical Gaffes for New Lawyers
The Updated Trademark System in Canada: What U.S. Attorneys and Applicants Need to Know
Substance Use Disorders in the Legal Profession - Causes, Signs, and Treatment
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
2019 CLA Annual Meeting - Recognizing and Understanding Underpinnings of Bias and Discrimination
2019 IP Institute: Let's Roll the Dice!: Understanding the Legalities of Loot Boxes and Microtransactions
Statutes and Street Art: Where Copyright Protection for Murals and Street Art Meet the Architectural Works Copyright Protection Act (AWCPA)
Music Modernization Act: Roundtable Panel Held at the GRAMMY Museum - Records, Labels, and A&R in the Streaming Age: Copyrights, Distribution, Licensing, and the Law under the Music Modernization Act
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
Stairway to a Heavenly Decision: How Led Zeppelin Won in the Ninth Circuit and May Have Fixed Music Copyright Law
Practice Competently: Regaining Focus and Avoiding Lawyer Burnout
Understanding the Music Modernization Act: From New Licensing Rules to CLASSICS Act Protections
2018 IP Institute: Owning Innovation: Between Code and Contract
Best Practices for Non-Disclosure Agreements: Are You Using Them Correctly?
10 Ethical Gaffes for New Lawyers