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2019 Annual Meeting: Law Firm of the Future: Ethics of New Business Models
Solo & Small Firm Section
1 Legal Specialization in Legal Malpractice
1 Participatory MCLE Credits
The law firms of the next 5, 10, or 20 years looks nothing like law firms of the recent past. Today’s inexpensive yet highly effective technology tools enable individuals to build successful firms, which exceed client expectations and allow attorneys to live on their own terms. Learn about the countless challenges of the profession ethically and effectively and understand what tools to use and where to find them to build a successful firm. Megan Zavieh and Erin Gerstenzang will discuss a few tools, how they meet our ethical and professional obligations, and how we can continue to evolve over the coming years to remain at the forefront of the profession.
1 Legal Specialization in Legal Malpractice
1 Participatory MCLE Credits
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