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2022 Environmental Law at Yosemite®: CalCannabis Today: The DCC's Programs, CEQA, and Water
California’s licensure of commercial cannabis operations continues apace, as markets and regulatory regimes evolve quickly and license holders gyrate. The initial bureaucracy has been consolidated into the new Department of Cannabis Control with its own CCR Title 4; programs such as Organic and Appellation Certifications, Equity Fee Waivers, etc., continue to roll out while case law grows. The DCC, the Water Boards and the DFW are addressing the issue of cannabis cultivation’s impacts California’s water resources, particularly in light of our historic drought. The panel provides a current update on the DCC’s programs and CCR’s, CEQA, and addresses agencies’ authority to manage water resources for cannabis cultivators, with advice for commercial license holders on issues including local impacts, tax reform and how to support a legal market while continuing to suppress the illegal market.
1.5 Participatory MCLE Credits
Paul Michael Hagen
Paul Hagen has been working in the Environmental Law field since 1989, including eleven years as an Environmental Prosecutor in the District Attorneys’ Offices in Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake and Mendocino Counties focusing on regulatory compliance. Other past specialties include soil and groundwater remediation, land use, and public law. Currently a solo practitioner based in Humboldt County where he has lived since 1999, including serving as a City of Arcata Planning Commissioner for nine years, Paul’s practice now includes commercial cannabis permitting and licensing, as well as leases, easements and other land use legal services. Paul was the lead author in the chapter titled “Commercial Cannabis Development: Licensing and Permitting” in the Lexis/Nexis “California Environmental Law and Land Use Practice” treatise, published May 2023.
Matthew Lee
Rebecca Garwood
Joanna Hossack
Tona Miranda
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Session 25 - Cal Cannabis Today the DCCs Program, CEQA and Water.pdf
3 MB
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