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IP Issues in International Technology Agreements
Intellectual Property Law Section; International Law Section
This program focuses on IP issues in joint development, collaboration, and consortia agreement from the U.S. and European perspective.
We will discuss the comparative IP law underlying these agreements, potential IP ownership models, licensing considerations, and strategies for negotiating (and closing) these agreements. After this webinar, attendees should have a good understanding of the comparative IP law underlying these agreements, IP ownership models, and approaches to negotiating (and closing) these agreements. The key audience for this webinar would be as follows: IP law attorneys, international law attorneys, and business/commercial attorneys looking to learn more about IP issues in international technology agreements
1 Participatory MCLE Credits
Florence Verhoestraete
Florence Verhoestraete practices in the Brussels office of NautaDutilh BV/SRL and focuses on intellectual property (trade marks, patents, trade secrets, and unfair competition). She has both extensive litigation and transactional experience, including the drafting of license, research collaboration, technology transfer, distribution, and manufacturing agreements, as well as consortia agreements in the context of funded collaborative research. Her clients range from innovative companies and start-ups to large multinationals and research centers.
John Pavolotsky
John Pavolotsky practices in the San Francisco office of Stoel Rives, LLP and focuses on data privacy, information security, and complex technology transactions. He advises a broad range of clients on general compliance, use of new(er) technologies such as AI, data incidents, and breach response, as well as in privacy, security, and intellectual property matters in M&A transactions. John is the immediate past chair of the Intellectual Property Section of the California Lawyers Association.
File Size
CLA Webinar - IP Issues in International Technology Agreements 16-Jan-2025.pdf
872 KB
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