To Tell or Not to Tell: California's New Attorney Misconduct Reporting Requirement
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
Tips and Tricks to Document and Maintain Case files Like a Large Firm; 2023 Solo & Small Firm Summit
Flipping the Script in High Conflict Situations in Your Cases and in the Office
“Mediating in a (Hopefully) Post-Pandemic World”
Legal Ethics in a Remote World
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
Cashflow, Clients, and Credit: Managing Law Firm Finances in Changing Times
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
Where Can Lawyers Go and What Can They Share?
Where Can Lawyers Go and What Can They Share?
(Self Study Articles)
Ethics of Social Media for Lawyers: Where Stunting for the Gram Meets Losing Your Bar Card
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
A Life in the Law and Sports Business: Building a Career Through Relationships, Charity, Negotiation, and Civic Engagement; 2022 CLA Annual Meeting
Impaired Colleague? Addressing Attorney Competence, Warning Signs, and Getting Help; 2023 Solo & Small Firm Summit
Biased? Me? A Study of Implicit Bias: How Psychology & Biology Affect Our Opinions and Actions
To Tell or Not to Tell: California's New Attorney Misconduct Reporting Requirement
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
Tips and Tricks to Document and Maintain Case files Like a Large Firm; 2023 Solo & Small Firm Summit
Flipping the Script in High Conflict Situations in Your Cases and in the Office
“Mediating in a (Hopefully) Post-Pandemic World”
Legal Ethics in a Remote World
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
Cashflow, Clients, and Credit: Managing Law Firm Finances in Changing Times
(CLEtoGo (Podcasts))
Where Can Lawyers Go and What Can They Share?
Where Can Lawyers Go and What Can They Share?