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With more companies allowing their employees to work remotely, the remote workplace poses unique security challenges for companies. Because employees are not physically working on-site, they're often relying on their own Wi-Fi networks and devices to access company data. To mitigate security risks, companies must implement clear and comprehensive policies and take proactive measures to ensure the safety and integrity of company data.
To gain some insight into the strategies and best practices, please join us on April 9th, 2020, as guest presenter Scott Cukier from SimpleTech discusses the challenges of ‘Securing the Remote Workplace’.
This program is not for MCLE credit.
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Microsoft has been focusing on their new browser, EDGE, and has ended most support and all development for Internet Explorer (IE). This means Microsoft will not update IE’s security or functionality as technology advances. While we will continue to support IE to our best effort we highly recommend a browser like Google Chrome or Microsoft EDGE for a more secure and optimized experience. EDGE is pre-installed on Windows 10 machines, and other browsers can be downloaded and installed.
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