Winning Strategies for Summary Judgment: Why, How, and When; 2023 Litigation and Appellate Summit
Statutory Interpretation Is Everywhere; 2023 Litigation and Appellate Summit
Another Momentous Term in the Supreme Court: October Term 2022; 2023 Litigation and Appellate Summit
Brief It Like Brandeis: The Use of Social Science and Other Non-Legal Sources in Appellate Advocacy; 2023 Litigation and Appellate Summit
Legal Ethics in a Remote World
(Self Study Articles)
Attorneys Conducting Impartial Workplace Investigations: Reclaiming the Independent Lawyer Role
(Self Study Articles)
Ethics of Social Media for Lawyers: Where Stunting for the Gram Meets Losing Your Bar Card
(Self Study Articles)
Attorney Workplace Investigations: Neither Impartial Nor Independent
Mediating the Impossible: Dealing with Difficult Personalities
Preserving Issues for Appeal: Tips for Trial Counsel in State Civil Cases
Comparative Overview: Civil Procedure in State and Federal Court
Master Advocates: “Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame Series: The Art of Storytelling and Theme-Building at Trial; 2023 Litigation and Appellate Summit
Winning Strategies for Summary Judgment: Why, How, and When; 2023 Litigation and Appellate Summit
Statutory Interpretation Is Everywhere; 2023 Litigation and Appellate Summit
Another Momentous Term in the Supreme Court: October Term 2022; 2023 Litigation and Appellate Summit
Brief It Like Brandeis: The Use of Social Science and Other Non-Legal Sources in Appellate Advocacy; 2023 Litigation and Appellate Summit
Legal Ethics in a Remote World
(Self Study Articles)
Attorneys Conducting Impartial Workplace Investigations: Reclaiming the Independent Lawyer Role
(Self Study Articles)
Ethics of Social Media for Lawyers: Where Stunting for the Gram Meets Losing Your Bar Card
(Self Study Articles)
Attorney Workplace Investigations: Neither Impartial Nor Independent