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The #MeToo movement has led to high profile cases in media, entertainment, and politics. Social scientists are busy assessing whether it represents a “norms cascade” – a precipitous shift in social expectations and standards – and how deep or sustained the long-term cultural change will be. But #MeToo has certainly impacted what factors to consider when evaluating and litigating cases. There are adjustments both plaintiff and defense side can make to better represent their clients, which may differ depending on the industry. Before signing up a case for litigation, care should be taken to understand what approaches will provide the best outcome to resolve the dispute. For those representing plaintiffs, the movement has highlighted the importance of developing competence in representing trauma survivors. Participants will also learn more about the changes in law driven by #MeToo and what those changes – from the longer statute of limitations to the ban on confidentiality clauses in some cases to the statutory guidance on summary judgment – mean for how employment lawyers prosecute or defend cases. Additionally, while we are still waiting to see the full impacts of the #MeToo changes, it is imperative that clients are advised accordingly to address meritorious complaints. Since #MeToo, employers have been struggling with best practices for investigating employee complaints. The webinar speakers will discuss what they have seen and provide best practices for employers in conducting their investigations.
1 Participatory MCLE Credits
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